Friday, July 09, 2010

How does Pepper Spray Work?

When it comes to pepper spray, there are two question that everybody seems to ask us at  What makes Pepper Spray so effective and how does it work?  In order to answer these question, you should really know and get a better understanding of what pepper spray is made of first. 

Pepper spray is a derivative of Cayenne pepper. The oils are extracted from the pepper using a high-pressure process. This process leaves you with the active ingredient in pepper spray known as OC or OleoResin Capsicum. The pure pepper extract is then diluted with an inert ingredient that reduces the SHU or Scoville Heat Unit to get it down to a useable SHU for pepper spray. SHU is a unit of measurement that determines how hot something is the rating goes from 1 million SHU up to 5 million SHU. 1 million SHU is detectable on the palette in concentrations as little as 1 part per million or 1 drop of OC in 1 million drops of water.

So how does pepper spray really work? Pepper spray's active ingredient is OC or oleoresin capsicum. The OC is derived from Cayenne peppers, which are some of the hottest peppers in the world. Unlike MACE or tear gas, which are irritants, pepper spray OC is an inflammatory agent. Contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat and lungs) causes immediate dilation of the capillaries. This can result in temporary blindness and instant inflammation of the breathing tube tissues and systematically cuts of all but life support breathing. OC also will create an intense burning sensation on the surface of the skin. However, OC will cause no lasting after effects. The effects last from 15 to 60 minutes. Because OC is an inflammatory agent and not an irritant it is effective on those who feel no pain such as psychotics and those under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

For more information on Pepper Spray, CLICK HERE.

If you are interested in purchasing Pepper Spray, CLICK HERE.

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